Yo what’s up y’all, …
Yo what’s up y’all,
I think Mick Greene should get a medal or something for putting together the Streetplay booth and all the coordination that went with it. It was truly a homeric task, and I don’t know how he pulled it off… especially the part where he got a cellmodem-enabled ThinkPad to work in the middle of a raucous street fair, download digital images from an e-camera to it, edit these images in PhotoShop, upload them to this web site, and tweak HTML all the while. Mick is DA MAN. All I had to do was teach/play Skully.
Props go out to “Pez”, especially for letting me stash my PalmPilot in his glove compartment, and to all the family members of the StreetPlay staff who were so nice to me. And to especially to the kids… it was great, even if you didn’t think so when I started to go into “Kindergarten Cop” mode!
Special thanks to Cari Best for the autographed copy of “Last Licks” too!
So when’s the “Back to the Bronx” festival?
-Hugh M. McNally
hmcnally [at] westnet [dot] com