I loved to jump rope in…
I loved to jump rope in the “Double Dutch” style!
However, you had to have two girlfriends that were
both coordinated enough to turn the ropes right.
What did they call it when you were off in turning
the rope–does anyone remember? Yes, double dutch
kept me in great shape. Although I was not a very
good athlete, I was the BEST at double dutch. I
loved timing it just right and jumping at just the
right height to make it to the end of a chant.
Now I also remember how it stung on your bare legs
if you messed up. Didn’t you just have one
long rope and one ‘turner’ wrapped the rope around
her waist? I forget. Every time I see girls
playing this nowadays I secretly wish I could jump
in. They would say “Wow, that old lady is really
goooood!!!!” Yes, in my mind I can still hear
those chants and the slap, slap, slap, slap of the
rope and it sounds like heaven. Any challengers?