Anybody out there remember…
Anybody out there remember your favorite penny candy, candy bars, ice cream bars, sodas, cookies and 4″ pies?
A kid with a sweet tooth and no flouride in the water, what chance did my teeth have to last me this long?
Blue Bird pies – cherry – oh how it hurts to dredge up this memory.
Nehi Grape soda – with a Blue Bird pie – now that is a complete food group!
Moon Pies – gourmet food for a kid.
Bottle Cap candy – with those little tin spoons that cut your lip.
Wax coke bottles – chew the wax til the flavor is gone. Write on the store windows with the ABC wax (Aready Been Chewed wax).
Any of this sound familiar?
Your phone number started with a word – Juniper 5868
The smell of a rainy after noon in the 50’s
The smell of Ivory soap on the nuns as the hustled you off to mass.
These are a few of my favorite things, add yours.