> You had to see the looks…
> You had to see the looks on the other kids faces and the fights when I took one of those out
We went through the “bizarre cap phase” too; it got ridiculous (people using incredibly large caps to shoot, switching them to unhittable flat caps while other people shot). We got to the point where we agreed that no cap bigger than the ice-cream pushup could be used (about 2″ diameter), and you could switch a cap only when your turn started (and you had to leave it on the street until your next turn). We came up with a collective term for cap-switching, “rollsies,” and other stuff that took away from the essence of accuately shooting a cap from box to box: “Baby s*&#”. On Grand Ave., a serious game of Skully started out with the proud proclamation: “NO BABY S*#&!”
BTW, thanks for mentioning the prescription pill cap. That was a distinct step in Skully cap evolution.
I am working on the rules of Skully for this website (in cooperation with the webmaster here) and hope to have something coherent in a few weeks. I had done this codification when I was a freshman in high school, and I sure wish I kept it. I appreciate all input/memories anyone has on the game of Skully; I’m sure that when the “official rules” document hits the fan, I’ll get plenty more material to work on.
I realize that the rules to any street game vary from block to block, but I think Skully lends itself to this codification (so many cool rules and terms, like “pipsies,” “rollsies,” “blasters,” etc.). It is my sincere hope that by setting down these rules that more kids will play Skully and stop smoking Kents at the 7-11.