Dear all. I’m the administrator…
Dear all. I’m the administrator of The Norwegian center for dokumentation of Children Culture in Stavanger Norway. I have read with great interest your messages, most of them are registered in my book “Barnet i liv og lek” (The Child in life and play) published by The Universcity Press in Oslo. My archive copy is datet 1983 the 3rd edition. However, I regret to say that it is not in sale anymore. The ISBN number is 82-00-06394. The melody that are used for En, to, tre, O’Leavy (One, two three O*leavy) are One little, two little, three little Indians, four little, five litle, six little Indian, seven little, eitht little, nine little Indians, ten little Indian boys – men. My name is Alice, my husbands name is Arne etc are used in the same way in Norway. The names are of course Norwegian. Hope this can be of interest for someone?