Play Marbles is a really fantastic game. My company, Welcome Friend Productions has also released a marbles game for the iPhone and iPod Touch. It is called iKeepsies – the Classic Marbles game. You can learn all about it here at www.imarbles.com/ikeepsies. iKeepsies has all of the best things about marbles games, such as winning, losing, trading and collecting marbles. Only these marbles are graphic designs, animations, and 3D models. Marbles are “dropped” in dropsies, and flicked in Ringer and Ring Taw. The game graphics are old-time cartoons that leave room for one to imagine traveling around a childhood neighborhood and playing marbles at grandma’s house, the park, and the toy store. There are fifteen different imaginary places to play marbles in iKeepsies. We encourage our players to design their own marbles, and they are released in marble sets that can be downloaded into the game. iKeepsies is published by Welcome Friend Productions, a family run business that designed and produced the game throughout 2009.