Category Archives: Card Games
I remember playing knucks…bloodied,…
I remember playing knucks…bloodied, hit on the knuckles with the full deck. We cheated a lot. On the 40s, we used to bait the Irish kids into playing with us and taught the the game all wrong. Thus, they had sore knuckles because they were the new kids, to us, on the block. Never were able to get the Italians to fall for it. Johnnyboy Figueroa
As I recall, the game was…
As I recall, the game was basically crazy eights. You can look up the rules in any card book. The specail part was what was done after the game was over. I used to play with my brother only so I am not sure what happened for more than 2 players. You counted up the number of cards left in the losers hand. You then cut the deck and if a red card came up, the knucks were hard, a black card called for soft knucks. I remember that you hit the knuckles with the flat deck for each knuck. There were other variations, I seem to remember scraping knuckles being worth 5. One significant feature is that if the winner got carried away and dropped any cards, he got knucks for each card dropped (52 if the whole deck dropped)
I used to play this card…
I Think back often of my…
I Think back often of my old friends who I hung out with on 105 street and 1st ave. Choo Choo’s ice cream parlor, Veto-Junior-Bulletthead-Mikey Sonny-Louie-Donnie I could go on and on with names of friends I think of often. I miss them and wish them the best that life can offer them. E.Mail rs-curcurato [at] webtv [dot] net
I Think back often of my…
I Think back often of my old friends who I hung out with on 105 street and 1st ave. Choo Choo’s ice cream parlor, Veto-Junior-Bulletthead-Mikey Sonny-Louie-Donnie I could go on and on with names of friends I think of often. I miss them and wish them the best that life can offer them.
Does anyone remember the…
Does anyone remember the rules for Knucks? I recall that it involved trying to run out of cards before the other person did. If you were left with cards, you got rapped on the knuckles with the flat of the deck once for each card left. There were substitutes, where hitting with different parts of the deck (e.g., the edge) counted for more than one hit with the flat of the deck.
I loved card games: war,…
I’d also like the rules…
The version of SPIT I played,…
The version of SPIT I played, each person had their own deck, at “GO” you counted out 13 cards in a pile with the last card face up then 4 cards to the left of the pile face up. It was played just like solitaire with two people going as fast as they can and you could play on each others aces. The first person to get rid of their pile of 13 cards wins.